Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sakura Modeling: SweetHeart Fashion Show

Sakura's SweetHeart Fashion Show! Our best show this year! Check out our Youtube Channel here to view more of our fashion shows!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


The beloved and famous Tom Sadler, owner of popular RP spaces such as The SW Spy Agency and The Kingdom of Titania has been seen online on Smallworlds once again. After sending a mass mail message to Smallworlds users he stated he was quitting Smallworlds. Seems like he just couldn't stay away from this addicting game. Sadler has been seen online at a space named [NEW RP] Under Con 1. Is he planning on making a comeback with a brand new role playing space? We'll hope whatever he is up to, Smallwolrds will welcome Sadler back with open arms. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Sakura Catalog: SweetHeart

Sakura's Fashion Catalog for February! Better late then never! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Brandon Obama's SWOscars Waiting Hall: Pre SWOSCARS

I went to Brandon Obama's SWOscars Waiting Hall and there were a lot of amazing filmmakers, producers, and just people waiting for the big reveal! I caught up with a few well known  filmmakers and producers for some quick interviews.

At the start of the party, I met up with China Kitty who entered in the movie category this year with a short film called 'Post-Breakup'.
MT: What inspired you to start to direct and film?
CK: Well, it was SWOscars 2013 and I saw films. I already loved real life films so I said, 'What can stop me from sharing my stories with the world?'
MT: Do you think your new short film, Post-Breakup, can bring you a Golden Dan this year?
CK: No. I put it together at the last minute because I couldn't get a real movie done. I was too busy with school to make something worthy of a Dan.
MT: And lastly, what do you like most about the SWOscars?
CK: The spaces, fashion, meeting directors, all of it!

So, apparently, China doesn't think she'll win a Golden Dan but others do.

I caught up with Austin Kincaid, who also entered the movie category this year with a film called 'Defection'
MT: What inspired you to start filming?
AK: I have always had an interest in making films and when I discovered the community, I had to get in.
MT: Do you think you could bring in a Golden Dan this year?
AK: Though to say. There are so many great entries this year. I can wish. though.
Austin lost connection during the interview but I did get to meet Ace Nightkaster. Many say he's definitely bringing home a Dan with his music video based off of 'Heartbreak Girl' from 5SOS (5 seconds of Summer), one of the many boybands out there.

MT: What inspired you to start filmmaking?
AN: Just something to do I guess.
MT: Why did you pick the song 'Heartbreak Girl' for your entry?
AN: I thought the song was pretty catchy and it made sense to put a story line to it.
MT: Who do you think will bring home the Dan for the music video category besides yourself?
AN: I'm not sure about the names of the directors but I have a few in mind.

After I finished my interview, I decided to interview a few smallworldians, one being Sapphire Marie (3).
MT: What brings you here tonight?
SM: Well, I'm very excited for the SWOscars and I'm just hanging around until it starts.
MT: What are you excited for this year and who do you think will bring home a Dan?
SM: I'm excited to see who will win a shiny Dan and I think Ryan Hack (3) or Austin Kincaid will win.

On another note, we're very excited for Ant Starz to bring his A-Game with his new project, The Fashion Police. He'll be saying who's hot and who's not along with Shaymonda Brown. These two celebrities with definitely bring some excitement tonight.

Miyyah Taylor

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

♥ ♥ Smallworld's Hottest Romantic Spaces ♥ ♥

Have you been bit by the love bug? If you have you must take your lover on a romantic date somewhere in Smallworlds! But with all the numerous spaces in Smallworlds, it's hard to choose the perfect space.
                         The romantic space is called Couples Retreat...SW21+                      

Owned by Cathy Neil, she has turned an ordinary pirate hideout into an exotic island getaway. This heavily decorated island has everything you need for you and your lover to have an exciting night together. 
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥/5

Friday, February 6, 2015

Winter Apex Fashion Show

Sakura's Winter Fashion Show! For being Sakura's first show of 2015 our models were amazing! Look forward to our future shows! 

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Some of you have experienced the terror of being hacked or scammed by Smallworlds users. This can be a terrifying experience to go through. It is important to protect yourself and you know when you are being presented with a scam. Recently I've received a mail message from the user Sophiea Mod. In this message she was explaining herself as a Smallworlds Recruit MOD. Sophiea says if I reply back with my e-mail it will allow her to "delete massive bugs that are in smallworlds user's accounts." Firstly a real smallworlds moderator will NEVER ask a user for their e-mail or password. This mail I received was a scam. 

If you ever receive a message from someone asking for your e-mail or password DO NOT reply to them. You should report it immediately.

This has been Sakura's PSA