Friday, August 15, 2014

Class is back in sesson!

The closer we get to fall the more smallworlds users are returning to school. But you can also go to school right here in Smallworlds! There are some great schools running that you can enroll in this fall.  
The school we visited was Pacific Bell Boarding Academy. When we first arrived I was taken back by how neat and organized everything looked. I got to interview the Owner Zoey Nim personally about her school. Here's what Zoe had to say. 

Why did you start Pacific Bell Boarding Academy? 
"Well, I had a vision for a more updated, more interesting school for people to come and enjoy, and be more relaxed and learn lots." 
What makes your school better then Royalty School, or Diamond Boarding school?
"Well, I am not saying I am not better than any other school, because I think mine is different because it offers more, such as outdoor cooking class or ocean swimming class and so on. And it's more of an updated look to a boarding school." 
Why should Students come and enroll here?
"I feel that they will have a more enjoyable time time here. I believe they will meet new and exciting people, and they will love the more updated boarding school look and all the amities it comes with."

I was very impressed with the space and how Zoe, a Non-VIP player runs it so well! If you want to enroll into a school this fall I suggest Pacific Bell Boarding Academy. 

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