Tuesday, August 19, 2014


                                   FANTASY MONTH: 

      So far, Smallworldians have been going crazy about Fantasy Month. Smallworlds's staff has released new rideables, holdables, wears, and even clothing!  

                                ~THE PANTHER~                                                   *Kevin Blueee, a Smallworlds citizen*
           The first rideable that was released was the panther. It is all black and around medium size. When it first came out, you could try them on at "Town Center". Sakura reporters saw multiple avatars trying them on, riding around, happy as ever. The panther has 50 speed, but you must be 50 citizen level to ride it, which is what kept some avatars from buying, but some bought simply to resell for a higher price. It has 20 shield and 40 health, amazing huh? The panther was off the market few days after is was there. It was selling for 11,850 gold.

*Hurley Dude, A Smallworlds citizen*
                                    ~THE TIGER~ 
 The tiger was also well-wanted. Of course, it's orange with black stripes, as all tigers are. You could also try these down at the ol' Town Center. The tiger is fast with 60 speed, but you have to be 60 citizen level to ride it. That also kept avatars from buying it for 10,650 gold. The tiger has 15 shield and 25 health. That would really keep avatars from shooting your pixels!

                                                                 *Sly Sneaky, Founder and Co-Owner of S.M.M.A*
        ~THE LION~                                             The lion was just recently released. It looks exactly like a lion, brown skin and all! You can go down to the Town Center right now and try it on!! It's VERY fast with 70 speed, but you must be 70 citizen level to wear it. It has 45 health and 25 shield. That'll keep you from getting sick! It is now selling for 13,250 gold! Get on your Smallworlds account right now and buy it! Or go to the Trading Post and get it!

                                          ~THE SNOWFOX~
               The most recent ridable released what the snowfox. Cue the "ooohs" and "ahhs". The snowfox runs! Yes, you heard me. Runs! Smallworlds's animation has been getting better every time they create something new. The snowfox is really cute, personal opinion anyway. It's the fastest of them all with 80 speed but you have to be 80 citizen level to ride it. It has 50 health, 30 shield, and it is selling for 16,800 gold right now. Buy it in shop catalog or at Town Center!I think it's safe to say, the snowfox is the best of them all!

                                                    *Miyah Marie (right), Co-Founder and Co-Owner of S.M.M.A*
                                                                                        *Sly Sneaky (left) Founder and Co-Owner of S.M.M.A

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